Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Socialist Libertarian

By definition Libertarianism refers to "the group of political philosophies that emphasize freedom, liberty, and voluntary association without violent coercion. Libertarians generally advocate a society with a small government compared to most present day societies, or no government whatsoever." I believe that we the people should have our personal liberty. I dont believe in welfare because I feel that the goverment steals our money and redistributes it over the population in need. Taxation is theft, especially income taxes. The only tax I support and other libertarians may not see eye to eye on this, but I dont care it is the consumption tax. The government does need to be funded but it could be funded by some of our expenditures, not my labor. I do not vote I personally feel that everyone running in the campaign says one thing and most likley will never do what they say will be done. The freedom in being a Libertarian is being able to put whatever we want in our bodies and only using fire arms to hunt and personal defense, but not for aggression. I'm all for self responsibility.

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